In This Section
Parent Governors
The Role of the Parent Governor
All governing boards have to have parent governors. At Stansfield Hall, Instrument of Governance states that our Board shall have FIVE Parent Governors.
Anyone who has parental responsibility for a pupil on the school roll at the time of election can
stand for election and can vote in the election. Our Governors come from all walks of life and bring a rich variety of skills and experience to our school and this very much includes our Parent Governors too.
The role of a Parent Governor is essentially the same as that of any other Governor and they all have equal status. Governors act collectively to support the school strategically and they participate in and contribute towards shared decisions.
The role requires diplomacy, adherence to a Code of Conduct and, particularly, confidentiality.
The role can be a difficult one at times. A parent may have to wear two hats: one for while raising issues about their own children as a parent and not a Governor, with the Class Teacher or Headteacher, and the other as a Parent Governor raising issues at governing board meetings that represent a parent perspective.
Dear Parent,
We have _1_ vacancy for a parent Governor that needs to be filled. If you would like to nominate yourself or someone else to stand, please read the documents and complete the form below.
Being a parent Governor is an important and responsible role. There are three meetings of all Governors each year as well as a number of committee meetings with specific delegation and terms of reference.
The job of the Governors is to make decisions about how the school is run. Governors are strategic leaders of the school and have a vital role to play in making sure every child gets the best possible education. Your focus will be to ensure clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction; holding the headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils and the performance management of staff and overseeing the financial performance of the school, making sure its money is well spent.
As a Governor you will be asked to sign up to a code of conduct, to work in accordance with the Governance Handbook and Competency Framework (where appropriate) and be willing to undertake training.
If you become a Governor, you’d be expected to serve for four years.
To put yourself forward as a Governor please fill in the form below by Friday, 3rd May 2024 including a biography (pen portrait) outlining your skills and how these would contribute to effective governance. You may wish to nominate another parent. Please ensure that you have their consent to put their name forward before doing so as we will contact them to check that they are happy to be nominated and also eligible to serve as a Governor. If we have more people come forwards then we have vacancies, we will hold an election.
Please contact the headteacher to find out more about what being a parent Governor involves.
Yours sincerely,
Mrs D Taylor-Smith
- Biographies supplied using the form below will be circulated to parents with the voting paper should an election be necessary.
- Nominations received after the closing date will not be considered.
- If you require assistance in completing the nomination form or would like further information on the role of the Governing Board and work of a parent Governor then please contact the Headteacher.