Stansfield Hall Church of England | Methodist Church Primary School

Let Your Light Shine - Matthew 5:14

Todmorden Road, Littleborough, Lancashire OL15 9PR

01706 378273

Welcome to

Stansfield Hall Primary School

Church of England | Methodist Church

"Learning and Achieving in a Caring Community"

School Policies & Key Documents

Our Key Policies and Documents are listed below and available to download.

 PSHE RSE Policy.pdfDownload
 RBC - Complaints Policy.pdfDownload
 School Uniform Policy.pdfDownload
 Special Education Needs and Disability Policy.pdfDownload
 Stansfield Equality Objectives Report 2023- 24.pdfDownload
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Requests for Paper Copies

Paper copies of all information contained on this website are available on request by contacting Mrs. Whittaker or Mr. Barnes-Moran at